What will I be doing at Bhujangan?
You wake up bright and early and start your day by reciting Japji Sahib, if you don't know Japji Sahib that is okay, many Bhujangan's have attended and didn't know Japji Sahib and Rehraas Sahib. If you do, then we encourage you to recite aloud with us. After Divaan, we serve a delicious breakfast prepared by the Bhujangan staff & counselors. We then go into workshops that consist of but are not limited to Sikh History, Sikh Sheroes of the Past, Gurbani, Identity, Stress Management, Personal Values, Healthy Friendships, Communication, Self-Image & Building Confidence, Setting Goals, College Preparation, Career Choices, Visions of an Ideal Community and Social Justice and Solidarity. Most of the workshops will include all the Bhujangans, but some are divided depending on the Bhujangans' age. For example, if she is graduating or about to graduate high school, she'll attend the College and Career workshop. If she is starting high school, then she'll attend the High School Preparation workshop. Each day, the Bhujangans can write in their journals and have a couple of hours of free time to make friends, nap, or explore. She can partake in arts and crafts activities or skills-building workshops such as self-defense or wilderness classes during this time. In addition to classes, past activities have included boating, horseback riding, kayaking, painting, and hiking. A more detailed agenda will be posted in the coming weeks.