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Misl Sacramento Fall 2014 Calendar

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ke Fateh!

As the weather starts to change (slowly), stores begin to have fall/winter clothing, and school begins it definitely means fall is here! We are also excited to bring you our Misl Sacramento Fall calendar! This fall we've got a number of events and activities planned so be sure to mark your calendars & RSVP on the website and/or Facebook! We're telling you, you don't want to miss out.

We are looking for volunteers to help out with the events listed below and to come up with more ideas for events. We want to be sure we are addressing the needs of our community so if you have an idea or want to see something happen simply email [email protected] today! If you are interested in helping out with a specific event listed below please email us so we can connect you with those working on that project!

September 2014

October 2014

  • October 4th - Hike & Misl Sacramento Meeting
  • October 11th - Jakara Juniors  - West Sacramento Gurdwara Sahib
  • October 18th - Leadership Development & Team Building
  • October - SAT tutoring and Sikhya
  • October – Sacha Sauda Blanket & Coat Drive

November 2014

  • November – Sikhya | College Mentorship & Application Assistance
  • November – Sacha Sauda Canned Food Drive
  • November – General Misl Sacramento meeting & Social

December 2014

  • December – Toy Drive

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  • Jennifer Browns
    commented 2024-04-27 07:23:39 -0700
    The clothing and textile sector is always expanding as more individuals get interested in fashion. They are interested because new designs such as the Dunkings Tracksuit are entering the market.
  • Adam Sara
    commented 2024-02-05 22:47:50 -0800
    This is one of the best articles I have ever read on this blog. Thank you for sharing very interesting information.