Jakara Juniors aimed to teach kids the history of Vaisakhi through story telling of Khande di Pahul, teaching the youth the Sikh identity and the importance of seva, selfless service. We aspire that the kids take this knowledge and history of Sikhi along with the values of vand shakna (sharing) to the world outside the Gurdwara. As a first time facilitator, I found myself learning while helping the kids come to their own conclusions on what physical and spiritual attributes a Sikh embodies, how seva can be incorporated in the outside work and how Guru Gobind Singh Ji taught us the act of humbleness. I was amazed to see how involved the kids would get with the various activities, which were successful in occupying them while learning something as well. Overall, Jakara Juniors proved to be a successful experience.
- Gurprit Kaur is a first time Jakara Juniors volunteer