Bhujangan Kaur Leadership Retreat is aimed at girls ages 13-18. Young Kaurs will work on developing themselves and creating a sense of community. Designed to encourage leadership building and development for the next generation of Mai Bhagos, young Kaurs will spend a weekend in the outdoors hiking, being active, and learning about Sikh sheroes of the past. Workshops emphasized building internal strength (sehaj), self-esteem and self-worth, and building sisterhood.
Bhujangan Los Angeles 2015 will take place from July 9th-12th, 2015!
Registration for Bhujangan Los Angeles is now open! Limited spots are available on a first-come, first-served basis. If you know a young Kaur, sign them up here!
The staff application is for those Kaurs who want to have a leadership role with Bhujangan. You will be helping out with logistics, content, and more! Remember, you will be a key part of the team putting on Bhujangan. Once your application is complete, a sevadaar will contact you!
Deadline to apply for staff is April 30th, 2015! UPDATE: 2015 STAFF APPLICATION IS NOW CLOSED