So much of our culture and collective history lives within the food we grow, cook, share, and enjoy. Think about Guru ka Langar, afternoon cha with biscuits, and saag and makki ki roti in the wintertime…
In Punjab, many of our families and loved ones have a relationship to growing food. Here in the Central Valley, many of our families and community members continue to nurture those roots, whether it be by tending to backyard gardens and/or working in different contexts of the U.S. food system (ex. driving trucks, packaging processed food products, running a grocery store, or farming the land).
Unearthed: Apne Food Stories is a 2-part workshop series that will be a safe, creative space in which to explore y(our) personal and collective food histories.
Workshop participants will:
Learn the basics of oral history
Prepare and carry out an oral history interview with a family or community member
Reflect on their personal relationship to food making
Craft a poem based on a personal, food-related memory
*These workshops are free and open to high schoolers, college students, and interested community members.
*The workshops will center the narratives of Punjabi-Sikh women, however, all community members are welcome and encouraged to attend. You will be able to draw upon your own personal & cultural background for the workshop activities!
*The workshops will build upon each other, so it is highly suggested to RSVP to both workshop dates.