Support the initiative for Punjabi language classes at Central High School in Fresno, CA.
Following in the foot steps of other Punjabi language programs in high schools such as James Logan High School (Union City, CA), Yuba City High School (Yuba City, CA), Livingston High School (Livingston, CA), and Kerman High School (Kerman, CA), we the undersigned want to see the Punjabi language taught at Central High School. Central High School's campus is over 10% students of Punjabi descent and they, along with their non-Punjabi, peers would love to engage, flourish, and develop their skills in the Punjabi language. Central High School would be a pathbreaker in the city of Fresno, offering "Asian languages" including Punjabi and Hmong.
We are appreciative of this initiative by School Board Trustee Terry Cox and urge the other Central Unified School Board Trustees to move forward at once to make this initiative a reality.
Please sign the petition, ask your family to sign it, ask your friends to sign it, ask your co-workers to sign-it, pass it around, spread it on social media - and let's make this a reality.