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For the Kids, 2013

Kids Day is something I’ve participated in since middle school, but this year, the vibe was much different. The Sangat was amazing, and the enthusiasm was strong. It felt as if we were feeding off of each other’s energy.   In the past years I used to get tired fast and sit down for some time, but this year, I stayed on my feet the whole time, keeping up with my Sangat. Kid's Day is something I’ve participated in since middle school, but this year, the vibe was much different. The Sangat was amazing, and the enthusiasm was strong. It felt as if we were feeding off of each other’s energy.   In the past years I used to get tired fast and sit down for some time, but this year, I stayed on my feet the whole time, keeping up with my Sangat. 

482488_159540927534402_648007430_n.jpgThis enthusiasm started off at 3:30 AM, as some of the Sevadaar(nis) waiting for the newspapers to arrive, and once more volunteers rolled in, we began to ask people to honk their horns for us as they bought newspapers.  Once that trend started, it didn't end until we ran out of newspapers. We had high school students come out from our Misl Fresno team and help us until it was time for them to go to school, and college students who also had classes to attend to, the passion to help was radiating off of our volunteers. We finished selling around 10 AM, and made about $1157 for the Valley Children’s Hospital. As stated by our Punjabi Sikh Awareness Society from Fresno State, whom we teamed up with, “Proceeds from Kids Day, which now total over $4.5 million, have touched countless lives in the Central Valley. Whether sending cancer patients into remission, repairing little hearts, or helping the tiniest of babies to grow, Children's Hospital takes care of our community's children in every way. It costs over $1 million dollars to operate the hospital each day, but families who have been touched by this incredible place know it's a small price to pay.” 

Did you miss out on Kids Day?  Come to our regional meeting on Sunday March 10th.  More information can be found on our event page.  Learn about upcoming events and volunteer opportunities.  See you there!

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