Welcome to the Jakara Movement website! I encourage all of you to take a moment to explore the community work that the Jakara Movement is a part of. As an organization committed to the interstices of education, health, gender, and social justice, the Jakara Movement inclusively engages the Sikh youth in various projects to strengthen their identity and consciousness, foster education through service-learning, and inspire activism and volunteerism within the greater Qaum. Our history is filled with powerful stories of those written-off that stepped outside their limits to become our sources of inspiration. These are the ones that have shaped our community.
Despite the economic recession deepens, the need for such programs continues to grow. To do this important work, we need your support. Please donate now!
While we receive a range of support from partners that believe in our cause and our own fundraising efforts, many aspects of our work would not be possible without individual donor support. We appreciate your consistent and generous support!
Warmest regards,
Ravneet Kaur
Director of Programs
Jakara Movement