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5 Reasons to Go To the Misl Sac Summer Picnic

sac.jpgSo the post-Lalkaar blues are ending, and you're returning back to your normal daily routine. Between summer school, LSAT classes, "liking" pics on Facebook, or whatever else you have going on, we write this post as a friendly reminder, but also to stir that feeling within you that attending a conference is not enough.

The real purpose of 'localizing the revolution' is to bring the messages back to your home community.  As your picture with the placard states - the revolution starts with you.

For those in the Sacramento area, Misl Sacramento is about to start revving its engines.  The possibilities are endless, but it starts with you.

So here's our take on the Top 5 Reasons you need to attend the Misl Sacramento Summer Picnic and Meeting that will be held Capital Park - Wednesday July 10, 2013 from 6-8pm.  RSVP here so that we know how much supplies to bring!

Top 5 Reasons You Should Attend the Picnic:

  1. Enjoy Good Food - we bring the picnic-goodness; you bring your appetite.
  2. Meet Local Sevadars - meeting people from across the state and seeing old friends is great, but the most important impact you will ever have is with the local sevadars that live in your city.  These are the people that will be your partners in making revolutions possible in your locality.
  3. Give a Direction for Misl Sac - Misl Sacramento is new and needs your passion, dedication, and commitment.  Will it primarily engage in Seva projects within the community? outside the community? will it engage with all sections of the community and leave no one out?   You will help develop those answers!
  4. Motivate and Build Sangat - the power of the Sangat is that it creates synergies between each other.  If you bring your passion and energy, it will charge others.  There excitement will charge yours.  This is the power of Sangat!
  5. Learn about the Jakara Movement - The Jakara Movement will help provide material, financial, and emotional support to make Misl Sacramento a success.  Learn about projects in other misls and how to make them a reality in the 916!

So those are our 5, what are yours?  Join us WEDNESDAY - July 10, 2013 at Capital Park from 6-8pm.  Call Palvinder Kaur at (209)980-7454 for more details and exact location at park.


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  • bob cat
    commented 2013-11-30 16:31:12 -0800
    Thank you